Kananginak Pootoogook "Nanuit," 1987, stonecut & stencil, edition 34/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "At the Windbreak," 1985, lithograph, edition 15/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Stopping for the Day," 1985, lithograph, edition 15/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Tuktu of Tasikjuk," 1973, stonecut, edition 47/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Gathering Kelp," 1986, woodcut, edition 27/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Snail Shell and Eider Duck," 1988, stonecut & stencil, edition 27/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Feathered Thief," 1988, stonecut & stencil, edition 27/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Attentive Mate," 1988, stonecut & stencil, edition 27/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Three Shore Birds," 1988, stonecut, edition 27/50
Kananginak Pootoogook "Hawk in Winter Darkness," 1988, lithograph, edition 27/70
Kananginak Pootoogook "Tuulliaraq," 1987, stonecut & stencil, edition 40/50
Roy Lerner "The Last Painting," 2020, mixed media on canvas
Roy Lerner "Blues March," 2020, mixed media on canvas
Roy Lerner "Lone Ranger & Tonto," 2018, mixed media on canvas
Roy Lerner "Shangri-La," 2017, acrylic on canvas
Donald Martiny "Untitled," 2019, polymer and dispersed pigment on aluminum
Donald Martiny "Bayali," 2019, polymer and sispersed pigment on aluminum
Donald Martiny "Alys," 2019, polymer and dispersed pigment on alumninum
Matthew Hawtin "Untitled Space," 2020, acrylic on fibreglass panel
Matthew Hawtin "Borne II," 2019, acrylic on fibreglass panel
Matthew Hawtin "Borne I," 2019, acrylic on fibreglass panel
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